FAQ’s Photo Rejuvenation
How does Palomar Pulsed Light work?
Palomar Systems use specialized handpieces which filter light from different parts of the spectrum. Each band of the spectrum has a wavelength that is ideal for different treatments, such as sunspots removal and vessel clearance. The Palomar RejuveLux handpiece emits pulses of light into the skin. The light is absorbed by the pigment in sunpots and the blood in visible vessels, and converted to heat. The heat dissolves the cells that create the pigment while it shrinks the vessels.
How is Palomar Pulsed Light different from laser?
Pulsed light systems and lasers are very similar, but Palomar Pulsed Light Systems use a much larger treatment window than most lasers. This system spreads light over a wider area of skin and allows faster coverage of the skin and quicker treatments.
What body areas can I get treated?
Any area, except directly around the eyes. The face, neck, chest, arms, back, and legs can all be treated.
What are Palomar RejuveLux treatments like?
The handpiece will be moved over your skin, pulsing all the while. Each pulse will send a beam of light through your skin. A flashing light, an audible tone, and a mild sensation on the skin will tell you when the handpiece is being pulsed.
What should I expect after treatment?
Immediately after treatment, you can expect a mild sunburn-like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor swelling. This usually lasts 2-24 hours, and can be soothed with cold gel or ice packs. Sunspots/Sun Damage: The sunspots will darken after the treatment and be naturally shed from the skin within 1-2 weeks. Rosacea: Skin tone will be more normal, with less pronounced redness within a week after treatment. Spider Veins: Vessels may disappear after treatment or they may appear darker and then fully or partially fade within 10-14 days.Typically, several treatments will be necessary to achieve complete clearance of sunspots, rosacea, and vessels.
What is the treatment like?
Patients are treated with a topical numbing agent and oral medications as required for comfort an hour before the treatment. Then, the area to be treated is cleansed. The treatment is performed using a fractional hand piece gently guided across your skin delivering micro beams of energy into the skin. Treatments usually last from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the surface area treated.
What should I expect after treatment?
You may experience a stinging sunburn-like sensation and swelling, and will develop a light crust that exfoliates away within days. The crust exfoliates to reveal new, healthier tissue. Redness will persist based on the depth of the treatment that will need to be protected with adequate SPF and wearing a hat while outdoors. Gradually the skin will show signs of diminished sun damage, improved texture, softer wrinkles, even more firmness and elasticity.