What Are Your Cosmetic Concerns?

We have many options...


about us

A Wrinkle In Time offers Botox wrinkle treatment, Juvederm dermal filler, Kybella double chin treatment, laser hair removal, skin treatments, state of the art anti aging RF technology for natural and non invasive skin care. Serving Vail, Aspen, Summit County.

Discover Your Best Self at A Wrinkle in Time!
A note from the Owner and Founder Sharon Meyer Palm:

People often come to A Wrinkle in Time wanting to prepare for a special occasion or have finally decided  to learn of  age-defying treatments that might be well suited for them. A resounding message I hear is that patients want to have skin like I do. That is most flattering given I have always had troubled skin;  I am acneic even at 50+ and have had a skin pigment irregularity called melasma for 20+ years. Then  there is the fact that I grew up in Colorado with little attention to adequate sun protection.   In my mid thirties, I was  already exhibiting signs of sun damage; uneven skin tone and wrinkling.

After more than 15 years working in medical aesthetics, I  have experienced every corrective treatment available in the attempt to maintain a youthful and healthy, yet  natural   appearance.

Many patients come in wanting to baby step their entrance into skin correction.

Still others come wanting to take years off  in a short period of time. To answer that demand, A Wrinkle in Time has developed our signature series of treatments to quickly, and with little down time, transport you back in time to a more youthful, vibrant you:

Let us customize a plan to put you in touch with your youthful and vibrant self.  Many of our treatments can be done over a lunch hour period of time. Due to the popularity of these procedures, we recommend that patients call or email us to book an appointment in advance.

Be sure to visit our Blog to learn what’s new in the aesthetic world, and Annual Memberships to see the benefits of joining our community!

more about us

Make  Time For You.

Welcome to our Patient Center. Here you’ll find our hours, location, an easy form for appointments, and much more.

Patient Center

Articles from the Blog

Liquid Lift
Liquid Lift

Liquid Lift? I  don’t know about you, but the thought of having...

Plump Up The Volume in Your Lips
Plump Up The Volume in Your Lips

Easy Ways to Reduce Lip Lines The thinner and more wrinkled the lips...


128 Main Street, Unit C-5, Edwards, CO 81632

